Heard some bloke giving these figures yesterday. 5-minute shower – 5p Boiling kettle (full) – 4p Boiling kettle (single cup) – 1p Toaster – 1p Electric oven (20 minutes) – 37p (Didn’t catch the price for gas but would assume lower) Microwave (20 minutes) – 4p Heating one room for an hour – 47p
You can work them out yourself quite easily if you know the wattage (except for the Oven or heating rooms where theromstats turn on and off the heating element once they reach temperature. If for example you take the unit price I am paying from SSE and have a 3KW kettle and are paying 28p per KW/h that means your kettle costs 3 * 28p per hour = 84p - or 1.4 p per minute to run ( note for those wanting to go back to our beloved imperial measurements your 3 KW kettle is 10,236 BTHU's) so the figures above look about right for a kettle. Not so sure about the Shower calculations - a typical Electric shower is rated between 8 and 10KW so they cost around 4p per minute to run so I would suggest a 5 minute shower will cost closer to 20p if you are heating it with electric The Oven figure is rubbish to cost 37p you would need the oven to be rated at around 16KW and not turn off when it gets to temperature. Typically Ovens run on a 16Amp circuit which is a little more than a 3Kw (13Amp) Kettle. I would expect an oven to cost around 10p to get to temperature and then around 10p per hour after that as long as you dont keep opening the door
Thanks for that. Statistyke. To help with a general formula With prices for electricity expected to be around 28pence per kilowatt hour. When the cap comes in. To boil a 2ltr kettle (full) takes on average 4.5 mins 2kw kettle = 56p per hr. 60 mins ÷ 4.5min =13.3 56p ÷ 13.3 = 4.2 p per boil I'm a bugger for filling kettle then just reheating when needed. I must have 6/7 mugs a day. No more filling Lol. Edit Hadn't read farnham reds reply.
Have you thought about getting one of those big urn things that keep the water heated (like they have when catering is provided for meetings)? It keeps the water hot for hours and would save you a fortune and having to wait for it to boil all the time.
Doubt that very much - it initially has to heat several litres of water - costing the same as heating with a kettle, then it needs to keep it warm - I've no idea how efficient they are at retaining heat but they must lose some Cheapest way is to just put enough water in the kettle for the cups of tea you want to make and just boil when needed
I was meaning the big flask ones so you boil the kettle a couple of times, the same as normal for 7 cups of tea, and fill it up. It then stays warm for half a day without needing to keep reboiling the same water over and over. Only boiling what you need is sensible and is what I do but at work my colleagues use one as the kettle is in another room which they can’t keep leaving their desk to go to/ waste the time waiting for the kettle to boil. They fill it up before work and sometimes again at lunchtime if they’ve drank a lot.
It's certainly not cost effective. I think I get where you are coming from. But the best way I can probably describe it. Is, you fill it up. It reaches boiling point.(which tbh is how I want my drink. Milk cools it down.) And if you don't use the water in full or part it costs money to get back to boiling point. A Berco boiler sits there reaches the desired set temperature. And when it cools the heater kicks in again. That is inefficient. Especially as in when folk don't use the water constantly. I've known people leave em on overnight unused. Dangerous as can boil dry if not an automatic filler. Re flasks they certainly are a good way of not wasting power. But impractical when at home.
Sorry jamdrop I was editing as you replied. Editing is something I'm allus doing. Thinking as im posting lol. I only tend to wait and re-read if it's something that may be interpreted wrongly.
I've taken your advice and told Mrs Goat to stop opening the oven door. She now tells me that my dinner is burnt to ****. Thanks.