Yes, wonder what vindictive restrictions/cutbacks the Tories are planning for Labour controlled councils like Barnsley yet again? What is it 40%
Believe it or not it's been 60% reduction in central funding over the last 10 years. I get quite angry when people in Barnsley attack the Council and say they are corrupt. The real problem is how local government is funded.
Spot on Mr Well. We should be paying shedloads more in local taxation and shedloads less in national!
This is a interesting concept, which is not really discussed in the UK. I know that in other countries, even in Europe there is more local taxation. The UK is the centralised government in the West apparently, everything is decided from Central government in London. Hence we have this tug by the home countries to become independent. The way to preserve the Union I believe, is to become a Federal/Regional state. It's ridiculous that Yorkshire for instance, with a population of 5.2 million, cannot organise it's transport system, energy, economic and employment plans. But is reliant on handouts from London. This isn't about one party or another, as the political system is broken in the UK. I work in Support in a 6th Form College, it's fascinating to see how the UK hasn't really evolved from the 17th Century, in how society and politics is done. We are a very regressive country, not very modern in our way of doing things. It's not going to change in my lifetime, possibly not my kids but change will have to come. Like everything else the English have to be dragged into the modern world. The current elite will never make any changes that will dilute their power and the English will never revolt.
Great post, pretty much agree with it. Whilst ever the press and media are able to convince ordinary folk that the problems in our country are down to things like young and single what’s her name down the road has had another kid and It’s alright to pay low wages etc,etc, nothing will change.
Are these two things mutually exclusive? The council used to have more nepotism and dodgy dealings than anywhere else I’ve worked. Not sure now as I’m not there, but I don’t see a great deal of change... The local Government is funded pretty badly as well.
I never get how it’s worked out, in Featherstone we pay more in Band D than many areas such as Darrington, Horbory, Stanley, Ossett, Pontefract and Castleford, then about £270 less than South Kirby. Looking at prices in Barnsley were on average about £100 less for band D
Surrey doesn't exist. The world ends just south of Sheffield, apart from the M1 isthmus that extends as far as Oakwell South.
Get rid of that Police commissioner i say and let the money stay with tax payers. Adds no value and definitely hasn't held the police accountable for their service
Cornwall Council announced a couple of weeks ago that they would be increasing the council tax by the maximum amount that they are allowed to.