What has this possibly to do with coronovirus control? A dereliction of duty if you ask me and potentially adding another health risk.
Are you suggesting that those working from home are just tossing it off? As far as I know, they are redeploying people, where possible, but you can’t just change somebody’s job role without them agreeing to it.
Which councils are not emptying bins? Its one of the key tasks - Quite a few are cancelling emptying garden waste and reducing recycling collections but I thought all were prioritising the bins themselves
Wakefield Council emptied our garden bin this morning, but the bin for our household waste is still out on the footpath. It's normally emptied around 12 noon, but as it's now 3-25pm, I'm wondering if they are going to empty it today.
BMBC have halted green bin collection until further notice but brown, blue, grey collections should be as normal.
whenever I type “on” my iPhone autocorrects it to in. However in fairness I’d imagine 80% of waste round here ends up in the Dearne haha
https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/service...-bin-collections-due-to-covid-19-coronavirus/ Disruption to bin collections due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) We’re working hard to keep all bin collections going, but COVID-19 is causing significant disruption to services due to the impact this is having on our current staffing levels. Check here for details of any bins that we've been unable to collect, including where we'll be returning to and when. Whilst we'll do our best to collect all bins, our priority order for collections is: Grey Brown Blue Green Green bin collections All of our green bin collections are currently suspended until further notice, so our crews can prioritise grey bins, as well as brown and blue recycling bins. Please compost your green waste at home if possible, and don't overfill green bins. If they become too heavy to move the bins may break when emptied into the bin wagon. How you can help If the bins on your whole street have been missed, please don't report this to us as we'll already be aware of this. Please check our alerts for advice, and if and when we expect to return. Help keep neighbours informed if they're not online. If your bin has been missed (not the whole street) and you'd put it out on time, please report this online rather than calling us. Help friends, neighbours and family members do this if they’re not online or need some support. Squash plastic bottles and fasten the tops on so they take up less room in your bin. Squash any metal cans and tear up cardboard. This will create extra space in your bins, so if a collection is missed you'll be in a better position to cope until your next collection. Please make sure to double-bag your personal waste, such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths, where someone in the household has COVID-19 or is self-isolating. You can put these in disposable rubbish bags and then into another bag, tied securely and kept separate from other waste. These should be put aside for at least 72 hours before being put in your usual external household waste bin. Other household waste can be disposed of as normal. Up to date information about waste collections can be found in our alerts section, or by following our Facebook page. Using our household waste recycling centres Please be aware that staff at our household waste recycling centres will no longer be able to meet you when you attend our sites. When visiting us, please drive into the site as usual and park in a safe place. We're committed to maintaining services for residents and minimising risks to public health during times of social distancing. Our site staff will maintain physical distance and only assist those who need support due to medical needs or health and safety issues. Please make every effort to continue disposing of your waste and recycling responsibly, and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Wakefield Council Household bin lorry on our street right now. So it's business as usual but it looks like some of the loaders are missing, so it is taking a wee bit longer.
Posted at 11:3911:39 Number of council services stopped with 'immediate effect' A West Yorkshire council has announced its stopping a number of services with "immediate effect" following the prime minister's announcement on new coronavirus restrictions. GoogleCopyright: Google Leeds City Council says from today: All council waste sites will be closed Garden waste collections have been suspended All community libraries and hubs are closed No litter bins will be emptied and should not be used
How do you empty bins on time when 75% of the drivers of the bin wagons are in isolation? You do know that council workers are not immune from this virus dont you?