Set off at the crack of dawn to give yourself enough time to get drunk enough not to be able to focus properly on the match, thus nullifying the pain. Then head back whilst topping up on the ale in order to drown your sorrows from the heavy defeat that will have been handed out to us. All in all a top day with a great set of lads n lasses, ruined only by 90 minutes of football between 3pm - 5pm.
Will probably set off around 7am. Think we usually stop at Greenwich for pis5 up. Should land there around 10.00 - 10.30
It's run by lads that used to play football for social club back in the day. Good lads. 3 of them in back row of this pic. I'm on front row, 3rd left.
Bang on. The football match is secondary when you're going down with a bunch of lads like that, should be a reyt laugh for you.
Im liking the varying size of the keepers . Covering all eventualities there . Also Justin Wiggan in the front row, that must have been a while back