Returning to BBC- One for the older members of the board this one! Our own Sam will be presenting this with his side kick Mark. Always made Friday's enjoyable !!!
Sam used to work in the bakers at the top of our road - nice lad by all accounts. Not sure he still lives round here but he's proud of his roots .....
It's Friday, it's five to five, it's crackerjack. I used to love watching it when Ed Stewart was presenter.
Crackerjack was a must in the day. Kids weren’t that bright. I’d have had a great big shopping bag to carry all that stuff stood on the plinth. ( top hat. Cabbages pencils etc.)
As we used to say to our foreman at Wood Glass Works at finishing time in the depts. Its Friday it’s five o’clock so it’s knackers Jack
Watched it as a nipper but can only remember the last bit where they asked questions for prizes or a cabbage if you got it wrong. What went off before that finale?