every single person i know makes a cuppa putting milk in with the tea bag! i say this isn't the way, mash the tea then add milk they say that you can't see how strong it is gonna be i say if you know how to make a cuppa then you just know, and also if teapots ever made a comeback would the pop milk in it too? no matter what, i add milk after!
Given the fact I am the world's number one tea drinker. Preferably in pint mugs. (I take a pint mug on hols. And Coffee is horrendous) Putting milk in afore water and afore removing the bag is sacrilege. You end up with P155.
You don’t know me then Tea has to have boiling water poured on so if making in a cup milk has to go in after you remove the tea bag if tea made in a tea pot I usually put milk in the cup first though
Scientists at Northumbria's School of Life Science have discovered that the key to the best tasting brew is to let it sit for six minutes before drinking. Allowing the tea to rest this way avoids it scolding as it has cooled to 140 F/60 C, apparently, the optimum temperatures for the flavors to flow. However, leave it 17 minutes and 30 seconds and the tea will be past its best. Their conclusion was to add boiling water to a tea bag in a mug and leave for two minutes. Remove the bag, add the milk and leave for a further six minutes or until it reaches 140 F/60 C. Should the temperature drop below 113 F/45 C the flavors are destroyed. Instructions for Perfect Cup of Tea for One Add 1 cup/200 mL of freshly boiled water to your tea bag (in a mug) Allow the tea bag to brew for 2 minutes Remove the tea bag Add 10 mL of milk Wait 6 minutes before consumption for the cuppa to reach its optimum temperature of 140 F/60 C
Tea is for gimps and grannies. Doesn't matter what order you add all the gimpy ingredients. I've woke up stroppy this morning.
Milk last for me, I have to add though it also has to be stirred anti clockwise afterwards otherwise it doesn’t taste the same.
Milk. Schmilk. It's tea!! A drink to be savoured as is. This thread might as well be asking if you put milk in your pint glass before pouring ale into it or do you pour milk on to the head afterwards. You just don't do it so same rule should apply to tea. Weirdos. Milk was invented in 1546 for the sole purpose of making porridge.
I use a teapot with a diffuser and put the milk in the cup. Mind you I don't drink the stuff, I make it for my wife but she hates it made in the cup with a teabag.
Black tea with 1/3rd of a teaspoon of sugar. Teabag removed after 17 seconds. And no cooling it down with a drop of cold water. That's just sissy. Drink it hot or don't bother.