Amid all the celebrations whenever I think of D Day I think of Churchill's speech to the people of europe in 1940 when he said a dark night had descended on europe but said to sleep soundly and prepare for morning, for it will surely come. Set himself up for what I think is the best one liner in history to deliver to europe on D Day I just can't imagine any politician anywhere today getting close to being so inspiring
Churchill was a good wartime leader in respect of moral . His decision making on operations was hit and miss Gallipoli, Dieppe , the invasion of Italy etc were very controversial but he did have his days such as Dunkirk etc . The people had no hesitation to put him out of office in peacetime such was his reputation against the progress of the working class . He was opposed to the council house building the Labour govt had promised , Under Churchill their would have been Austerity for the masses who were always suffering because of rationing anyway . He sent the troops into mining communities in South Wales years before and was very anti trade union .
Cometh the hour cometh the man really. He had his faults but a great wordsmith and unflinching in his belief in victory (at least that how he came across). My Grandad was in the 8th Army in Italy and opening that front helped the russians significantly at a crucial time eg Op Citadel was called off by the Nazis to send more troops to Italy ensuring the russian counter attack was a total victory for them
He was the 20th Century Boris Johnson. Mind you, I'd like to see Blowj.. sorry, Bojo lead a country to World War victory. His hair WOULD turn white.
It is easy to give all credit to the "leader" but in reality there were loads in the background helping with policy, speeches etc. A good speech though and how scary for those that had to implement the plan
This brings it all home imo for this battle and also every battle in every conflict ever. There’s the victims of the immediate battles but also victims amongst those who loved or knew them .
I said that to my Wife this morning mate. If we'd have lived 75 years earlier we'd have been sat at home waiting for the knock on the door as our 21 year old son,l instead of being a law student would have most likely been running up sword beach or knowing him probably in the paras at pegasus bridge. Us parents would have been left sitting and waiting. Imagine 200,000 allied families just waiting
One of the more depressing facts mentioned was by the commander of the landing craft who said that many men died by drowning before they reached the beach. They were let out of the boats too soon in deep water and the weight of their kit pulled them under. What a waste.