I remember a game at the Baseball ground in the 80s when Winston Campbell was injured and receiving treatment on the pitch being pelted with bananas. The worst thing for me was that quite a few Reds fans were laughing.
We used to do "offensive Secret Santa" at work for those that opted in. It was always a great laugh and everyone was fully aware that the presents they opened were a tongue in cheek gift designed to cause some offence. Example gifts were a Maga hat for one of our staff who hated Donald Trump and attended the protest March in London, a walking stick and reading glasses for the oldest member of our team, hair clippers for the bald guy and a Paul McKenna hynosis CD "I can make you happy" for the office grouch. It was always a good laugh and taken in that spirit by those who participated. If people didn't want to join in they didn't and we're not forced to. However, even when the point of it was to be offensive, no-one would have ever gone that far. I'm amazed that someone would find that funny.
Bought mi brother in law over the yrs. A Mankini 2 sizes too small. (Not a pretty sight) A penis extension. (To help with his missus, he told her to close her eyes and think of Michael Fassbender) Kiddies cd's A nurd hat. Chuffin loved em all.