We all know its pronounced DK, I certainly do, so why does my brain read it as Dike when I see it in writing?
he really needs to change it to DI - KE , Or DK ,otherwise he will always get people reading it as Dike
Yike, like Mike who lives in Wyke said whilst riding his bike, it’s an hike to get Nike to sponsor Toby Tyke!
Why should anyone change the way they spell their own name just because a few folk can't say it correctly?
In all honesty, if you are a poorly prepared commentator you will get it wrong. It is just extra entertainment for now.
I also see it as Dike, tbf he probably did and said f%^k that I'm now know as DK, similar to David Ginola, in France its Da vid, well in England mate its simply David, oh ( appologies) Will I am no mate your William but you fudged it because how can a singer of your ability and type of music genre be simply known as William