Just listened in the train home from London. Some cracking stories. Not too much mention of his time with us although he said he regrettted not taking the Blackburn job mid-season when he was with us (and his wife never forgave him)
It’s been a vintage month for ex-Barnsley-staff-not-speaking-about-Barnsley podcasts. Jan Aage Fjortoft and Mick McCarthy have been on the Quickly Kevin podcast in the last fortnight. Both good interviews but low Tarn content in both.
It wasn’t clear he was a bit off with his years at times saying Shipperley did well for him at Barnsley in 1990 but I took it as he was offered the Blackburn job in our playoff season
Watched it on youtube. Great podcast but jesus, parky and Co will have wished they had water proofs on. Bassett spitting all over for 1 hour and 40 minutes!
Great listen as ever. One of the true characters of the game. A very entertaining season under him, with lots of goals, sadly ending in defeat at Wembley. Long journey home was that one...
The expectations were up though after getting to the Wembley Final. And while that's not his fault, he's been critical about this with our fans. And as it wasn't going as well the following season, did we sack him or was it a mutual thing.