Released after being convicted of assisted suicide. Its hard watching loved ones who were strong independant people end up with no quality of life and being in agony 24/7 and begging for help to end the pain. I am sure a few on here have been in a similar situation and its very tough.
I can't imagine how difficult it must be for someone in that position and it is really sad he has had to do time for it. It is such a difficult and emotive subject and I am not sure what the solution is other than people being given the choice to end their lives in clinics once assessed to have capacity to make that choice.
Nothing but sympathy for the man' to do what he did is the biggest act of love possible' he must be absolutely heartbroken' much respect.
100% sympathy for him, I'm sure that he would have tried to talk her out of it but hearing her beg him and the pain she was in must have been truly horrific for the bloke, clearly he knows it would have been a custodial sentence but I bet hevwoukd do it again in a heart beat
It’s my worst nightmare to be forced to live in pain. I’ve made it very clear to Will that I never want to be in that situation. I wouldn’t ask him to do anything illegal for his sake but he knows that he should always agree to switch life support etc. off if the situation ever arises.