I don't normally ask for club statements regarding events at Oakwell.Things like transfer fees,cost of new players,money received for outgoing players,goalkeeping coaches moving on even physios going to other clubs. This time I think a full and inclusive statement is due because the West stand actually effects supporters,not me personally but supporters who've sat there for many years. We know whats happened and the consequences ,we now need to know what happens next. That means an update on the standoff between Pacific Media,the Crynes and the council. We need to know what will happen if the disputes resolved and also what will happen if the problem isn't resolved. Are we looking to repair or replace the West Stand or indeed move to another part of town with a new stadium. All these issues need addressing and the sooner the better. Over to you Mister CEO.
He’s left. Didn't you know? that was a joke btw, i thought i needed to say that bit as people could see that as feasible.
He'll probably follow the same line that Dane Murphy did last season and just say that it's above his head.
Yep, and all the above can be portrayed without it turning into a blame game or forcing people to take sides. Just an incy wincy bit of clarity. That's all we ask.
Have to agree with regards clarity... it would be nice to know of intentions regarding Oakwell. Maybe there are no intended plans? Which would explain no clarity? Lol
What a great time for a new CEO to start. Apparently his motto is ‘nothing is impossible’. Good luck with that Khalid at our club…..
Message to our multi millionaire owner’s Spend some ******* money or are you all trying to be the richest men in the graveyard? Joke club at moment on and off the field, rant over just don’t like OUR CLUB being run down like it is.
A commercial rent is the opposite of private rent. They will have walked round the premises looking checking every inch before signing the document noting down everything that is fine working /not working and general condition ,flaws ,marks ,paint etc before they signed the document. once signed and agreed to then the renter is responsibly for maintenance and upkeep of the building/premises from that point if the roof wasn't leaking and it starts leaking ,they are responsible to mend it. if the clock was working !! it need s to stay working etc when the renter decides to end the rent /lease it has to be put back to the working condition state that they initially agreed to and signed
I'm not defending anybody. I'm not and never have been huge fans of the consortium. They said from the outset they weren't going to do owt rash so why folks think / expect them to spend **** loads of money is bonkers.