I think he's the most hated football youtuber isn't he? Every time he's on Sky etc he gets absolutely hammered in the comments. But he & his dad are both tories so oh well Edit - his brother doesn't play for Bolton, he's on about their keeper Trafford. Often gets berated for using him in every bolton video but doesn't really bother me because everyone on that platform just clickbaits these days
Yep, that's why he gets stick. Using it as click bait. What I've seen of him I'm not particularly fond. I saw a clip of him moaning about how tired he was during the world cup. A betting company paid for all his travel, expenses & match tickets as a sponsor and he went from one game straight to the next. Normal people would consider that (especially all free) a once in a life time opportunity. Especially considering how much of the country couldn't afford food without foodbanks, let alone christmas presents. Was very bad taste, I do believe he apologised though.
Got paid to go watch every game at the World Cup, follows England away and pretty much everyone tries to avoid him, Claimed he got chased by hooligans in some woods against Bulgaria. Weapon.
I don't disagree bud, but what am I to do about it? There's videos out there with a gazzillion comments about it being click bait videos - and all it does is make the video bigger due to the algorithm, more comments = more views. Especially now the dislike button is hidden. It's really fking annoying.
I laughed at some of the you tube comments last night, about him and his dad bawling his eyes out again. And hopefully Stunt Pegg is as well, shes another annoying Bolton Vlogger.
I don't mind her, haven't seen loads of videos but seems fine to me. Saw when she went to Norway and that was a good video - great fans over there. Saw a clip of her speaking about her depression and that's the reason she didn't make any videos for months, hope shes doing well.