who do you think if any we should keep going forward Can any of the existing lot be rescued The team as a whole have now started to gel but the owners have to back Strubel in the defence
I think keep them mads, Diaby, Halme and Williams. Young with potential playing a miles higher standard than ever before. Potentials there it’s just stupid errors that wouldn’t be caught out as much in league one and more experienced they get less errors will happen surely. I remember what was said about Lindsay the year we went down and now he’s van dijk apparently
Halme looks very promising to me. I wouldn't bet on any of the others becoming championship standard. I hope I'm wrong.
It’s a giant step up from what they’re used to, young lads thrown in deep end. I reckon we’ll be thankful of the 4/5 year deals in a year or to...either that or I’ve had too much Stella
All of them have huge potential in my opinion. This is just not the league to allow development and good results and the same time. Even minus Mowatt and Woodrow , I can easily see this squad being very good in league 1. Will we then repeat the same mistakes and sell to the first bidders or actually build upon promotion if it was to happen again? I.e. immediate promotion I am as disappointed and as dismayed as everyone else regarding events this season but what if the long game is really what we need to focus on and maybe we can genuinely consolidate at this level given some more time....