Urban slang bear with me It's when chin with a few days growth is rubbed against soft skin of either kids or partner to provoke a reaction of either gentle torture or stimulation of laughter.
Yes. Grandad used to drive us mad doing that to us a kids. Don't know if its a Barnsley thing but I've never come across anyone from anywhere else who knows what it means
My favourite is laik, from Old Norse 'to play' which isn't used much outside Barnsley. And 'siling' from the same roots - 'to pour'
So as a kid from Donny I’d never heard ‘laik’ till I started going to my cousins house in Fitzy. But we definitely had ‘siling’. My Donny favourite is ‘sock on’ which means sound asleep, and leaves everyone outside Donny looking puzzled, but every time I mention it to someone new in Donny they can’t believe it’s only us.
Or, rubbing (chin pie) against something generally soft eg lady parts which can evoke various retorts, eg ger off, more, gi or, harder, or possibly mmmh I like that, etc.