Good idea hope it works, public clearly don't need trained dogs to smell politicians lies, bluster and all round bullshittery.
Wish they could sort this out for supermarkets. Just been to Morrisons in town. I've never been as enraged. Usual town centre lot in, stocking up on their 'essentials', one nearly bumped in to me, as he was walking with so much swagger. Then a group of Italians just walking around like the owned the place and being generally loud and well, Italian. Given what their country has seen in recent months, you'd think they'd wind their neck in a bit. Then some TW@T thought the best way to get to the back of the zig zag queue through the clothing bit was to literally walking all way along it from the front. I'm beginning to dislike people.
Morrisons have got a pretty good system in place if it is observed properly by customers. Unfortunately I saw very similar examples to you when I was in last week. I even saw one bloke squaring up to a member of staff who advised him that he had to shop alone - he had turned up with his other half and two kids.