The better half is off to Doncaster Races today. I told her the best tips always come from the BBS. She says she will only bet then on recommendations from here. So I welcome any tips to pass on to her. Thanks.
My good form of May has evaporated, but for what it's worth: 6.30 Chains Of Love 7.00 Tashaaboh 8.30 Princess Nearco The one I like most today is Withhold in 'the Plate' (2.05 Newcastle). 4/1 with Paddy.
Backed them 3, and keeping a eye on the price of Beauty Filly in the Chester 13.55 if it drifts to Evens I’ll be having £50 on it
Was sat in barbers yesterday. Bloke in there was telling everyone to lump on a horse at Newcastle. He said he'd put a grand on it and it was a cert. He'll be a grand worse off this morning. Silly pillock.
I’ve got a tip ......... DONT GO !!! It’s full of chavvy types and Pikeys. I hate horse racing. Although I’m going to York racers in a couple of weeks time - but it’s an organised trip from work.
My tip for Doncaster tonight would be this, keep her money in her purse, i wouldnt even recommend Tashaaboh @5/6 in the 19.00 race because the filly having her first run for Noseda is a real danger to him. A combination forecast with the two may be the best bet in that race, Tashaaboh should win but its just too risky for me. If i was forced into having a bet at the meeting I'd back My Fantasea each way at 7/1 in the final race. But personally I'm giving the meeting a wide birth and keeping my money in the bank.
Thanks for the input. This is what she will go with unless someone has a strong persuasion otherwise ;-) 6:00 King of Nepal 6:30 Chains of Love 7:00 Nakhaytak 7:30 Makanah 8:00 Envisaging 8:30 Princess Nearco 9:00 Selling All The Time
Sky bet paying six places on certain races at Newcastle today so I’ve had a double on two fifty to one shots 50p each way . That’s the limit of my horse racing forays apart from the itv7 .been stung in the past it’s all for fun now as o still have some interest in it but it’s all social now
What a bellend i am, backed in from 7/1 to 9/4, but i had £60 on plate winner this afternoon so no point being greedy £400 is enough to win in one day.
I returned the princely sum of 61p off a lucky 63 bet for six of the donny races... Only staked 12.60, never looked like a card to win off, but still. Exceptionally poor.