Don't know if it is on Netflix in UK but..

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board ARCHIVE' started by Tekkytyke, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Tek

    Tekkytyke Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    Barnsley Dark
    ...just watched a film on Italian Netflix last night. Quite old and GWB era ... 2008 Don Cheadle/Guy Pearce in 'Traitor'. Some of it is routine thriller but without giving the game away the main protagonist (Cheadle) is a Devout Muslim, who is 'involved' in Jihad and terrorism carrying out terrorist acts. Obviously there is much more to it than that but if you look beyond the formulaic action and rather contrived ending some of the quotes, attitudes and script are really thought provoking and doesn't make out that USA CIA/FBI is good everything else/Muslim BAD.

    Personally I thought the film in some ways tackled and exploded a lot of myths and prejudices that many people have relating to the overwhelming majority of peaceful ordinary Muslims and the Islamic faith. The message was not daemonising Muslims involved in terrorist acts but arguing (using the words of another Muslim character ) how the terrorist leaders were/are "using the strength of their (the footsoldiers) beliefs, in a way that contradicted the teachings of the Koran. It sort of clarified when the Koran permits a Muslim to kill a person and when it is forbidden and showed the the way IS and terrorist organisations distort that .

    Personally I dislike all religion, be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism as they are all more interested in ritualism, symbolism, tradition. power and control over others than the moral teachings of various prophets and scriptures.

    Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?

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