One of my job roles is an independent retrofit assessor, we look to identify properties where by we can apply funding to improve people’s homes and efficiency’s. Historically funding has been for people in receipt of means tested benefits however in recent years councils across the country have introduced LA Flex which is designed to help more people in the council borough, Barnsley council are now active in signing jobs off of which I am involved in. If anyone would like to reach out to me privately to enquire then by all means drop me a message, If I can help someone especially a fellow Barnsley resident the I would only be too happy to assist where I can. What some of you might not know is that we all contribute to Eco funding via our utility bills so it’s essentially like getting something in return for what you’ve paid into over the years.
Sorry if I sound a bit ignorant of what you're talking about, but is this cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, combi boilers etc?
Is there a catch with the boilers that are fitted? Am I right in saying they only come with a two year guarantee?
Our boiler is 43 years old. I wonder if a new one would come with a guarantee to work for that long (and counting)?
Yep - a venerable Glow Worm Space Saver! It makes some strange noises from time to time but it keeps chugging along!
Our Glow Worm boiler will be 38 years old this year. Still going with no problems. Every year the gas service engineer gives us the same spiel about lack of spare parts, inefficiency, and suchlike. We just smile and nod and then carry on regardless.
I'm moving to an f epc rated bungalow soon but it's in wakefield can you recommend anyone to help with grants in that area? Cheers