Am I the only one that finds it annoying? Without wanting to go all Wednesday about it, they Felt compelled to mention 1400 sunderland fans at Bristol and 2000 Doncaster fans at Scunthorpe but nowt about our 2000 at Portsmouth today. If you're gonna mention away following, why leave out the best of the day. If we weren't second I don't think we'd get a mention
It was a great following I couldn't make it but pompey brought 1600 on the return game when they were 1st. Donny brought 1500 20 minutes down road to oakwell. Charlton brought a pathetic number to oakwell well below 1000 That puts it into perspective pat on the back.
Given the distance you'd think they would have mentioned it but we're not an 'in' team so no surprise really. Great to be in a full stadium though.
Just checked and was only the 7th highest this season for them, surprising considering they had supposedly sold out according to that article on here from their local paper.
Happy to be under the radar. Even with fans (reckon Wednesday would try buy us if they could). Wouldn't be seen dead in that sh*thole even if you paid me.