Making the news all of a sudden. Greece want them back, our 'Culture Secretary' says no. Why is this even a debate? How on earth can there be a law, preventing them from being returned? Another example of us basically nicking stuff ages ago, then refusing to return it when the rightful owners decide they want it back. JRM probably has a quill-written parchment knocking about, justifying it all.
What a catalyst you turned out to be Loaded the guns then you run off home for your tea Left me standing, like a guilty schoolboy We came out of it naturally the worst Beaten and bloody and I was sick down my shirt We were no match for their untamed wit Though some of the lads said they'll be back next week Hello-hooray, there's a price to pay, for the Elgin Marbles, Elgin Marbles Hello-hooray, I'd prefer the plague, to the Elgin Marbles, Elgin Marbles
Did we win them at podge or follows ? On a serious note we allegedly took them for safe keeping from what was perceived at the time a very unstable country with other suitors looking on . Whether this was the case or not as they had been there for a couple of thousand years before . Greece has every reason to call for them to be returned and returned they should be and I’m not sure what the logic is for keeping them here and they have every right to impose reparations for every day they are not .
Her defence seems to be "we've looked after them for 200 years so why should you have them back". Thick as mince.
In this day and age we surely ought to be able to work out a deal for them to go home and be lent back now and again.
The British Government bought them off the bloke who nicked em (Lord Elgin) then put them in the British Museum. They didn't buy them off Greece. Basically we fenced them 200 years ago, and now we won't give them back
Kin ell. The Royals better get ready. They stole ivory, minerals, wild animals, and in the case of James II who was the major shareholder in the Royal Africa Company, they also made a busload of money by stealing people.
The Marbles should definitely go back to Greece but there's a few that need to check their history and context on here.