And I like everyone else accept it as fact, but, I'm just reading a book called TIME and in it is a small reference to Elvis appearing briefly in the film HOME ALONE, where, in a scene with the frantic mother in an airport berating a customer service person, there, right there, stood behind her is a spit dab double of THE KING sporting a beard. I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories, although they do make one's mind tick over a little faster. You'll probably google it now, won't you?
Probably one of the more left field posts on the BBS. I do know Otis Blackwell wrote most of his early hits & Elvis copied him massively. Not taking anything away from Presley though, he was the real deal.
Where were you when you heard Elvis had died? I was on Scarborough South beach sea front, looking for a record shop to buy Wings Over America (£5.99) - a triple live album which turned out to be well below average. I should have bought Maybe i'm Amazed the live single (cos that was what I liked) and saved myself what was then a fortune.
I was sitting in our front room eating an orange maid ice lolly, watching Starsky and Hutch and it was interrupted by a news flash telling us Elvis had passed away, the lolly lost all its flavour.
Yes it's not like he has impersonators, or clever film companies can make someone else up to look like him is it??? If you also give me your bank account details I'll deposit 1 million pounds into it Hth...
On our way back from watching Barnsley beat Chesterfield 3-0 in the League Cup, Mick McCarthy made his goalscoring debut for us in that match.
I had just drove my girlfriend home. Got back to the house and my mother said. You’ll never guess who has just died. I thought for a second and said Jim McLean? Naw she said Elvis. So she was right, I couldna guess.
In a nightclub in Torquay. Went down with the lads. Furthest south we’d ever been. - palm trees the job lot. I heard the news and rushed back to the table. “Elvis is dead!” Got told to **** off.
I was 11. Got woke up by my Dad who told me to be good with Mum cos her hero had died. She got up later, all upset, gave me some bus fare and sent me off to WH Smith's in town to buy "Way Down" which he had in the charts at the time. Some artists would go to great lengths to score a number one.
I heard that Elvis had died as me and my mate Gordon walked up the garden path of his sister's house in Filey (we'd just walked part of the Cleveland way). She burst out of the house to tell us and was clearly quite upset. She was even more upset when Gordon just said "Good".