Macron has already called a snap general election and a few other countries have backed the hard right. It's a dark day in the EU.
The unpalatable truth is that quite alot of indigenous European people are unsettled by the direction their countries are going in because their governments are seemingly allowing mass migration from third world countries, especially when those migrants are also Muslim. The mainstream politicians can try and ignore those feelings but they are not going away and the people are moving further and further to the right to find parties who reflect their feelings. People can throw the racism and islamaphobia slur around but that doesn't tell the whole story.
By 'indigenous European people', I guess you mean white? Because the actual indigenous first settlers in Europe migrated from the Middle East and Northern Eurasia.
The problem isn't immigrants, the problem is consecutive governments that simply won't tax the wealthy to provide funding. Repeat and rinse across the country. Immigration is a dog whistle distraction from the real issue, unless of course you're actually a racist. Edit: pretty sure the plan is to run down and then privatise councils entirely. See NHS privatised by stealth, something Farage is all for.
There is a fear of immigrants whether we like it or not and right wing politicians will always play on the fears of the populace.
Theres a trend happening all over Europe so theres obviously a big problem somewhere along the line that needs confronting' the obvious answer is for everyone to shout " racism" but i suspect it runs a lot deeper than that' a few weeks ago the spanish were protesting about tourism so it isn't just about immigration' maybe their governments like ours are just giving them a right royal shafting and treating them like idiots. Its a lot easier when theres someone to blame and the immigrants are an easy target ' no doubt illegal immigration is a problem but you have the far right like farage and co using it as a trojan horse to infiltrate uk politics' i suspect the last thing he actually wants is a stop to illegal immigration as its literally the only thing he has' i've seen loads of people on social media shouting vote reform but apart from stopping the boats i haven't heard a single policy mentioned' i suspect theres a lot of Farages with voices all over Europe but they wouldn't be relivent if our governments were worth their salt.
Ironic that if we step just a few generations back most of us will find immigration is part of our family tree..
IMO right wing politicians and their press baron supporters actually INSTILL fear in the populace,,, not only is it the oldest trick in the book, in most cases, when you get to the nitty gritty, it's the only trick in the book. How people fall for it time and again is beyond me.
When you say further to the right what they really are , particularly in France , is facist , racist antisemitic Islamophobes
Yep, brexit has been a complete and utter success in terms of immigration, red tape, increased trade, increased GDP, lower food prices and increased funding for the nhs. I'm sorry I voted against it. x
Doesn't matter what I prefer. People voted for brexit and Boris 'got brexit done'. I hope every brexiteer is happy. P.s. x
I actually agree here, I mean they are not feelings I share buts it's clear to see that's what is happening.