NeoLiberal EU .. EU to supply electricity to Israeli settlements 《The European Union will within a few years be supplying electricity to Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights, all of which are illegal under international law. ... Keeping Gaza in the dark Human rights defenders have previously concluded that Israel’s ongoing maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip is motivated by its desire to prevent Palestinians exploiting the gas reserves off Gaza’s shores. “Israel not only denies Palestinians access to gas reserves off the coast of Gaza but has also illegally exploited these resources for its exclusive benefit while depriving Palestinians of revenues,” the BNC states. Meanwhile, Gaza continues to suffer acute, life-threatening electricity shortages, compounded by Israel’s “refusal to live up to its responsibilities as an occupying power.” Palestinian efforts to develop the gas reserves off Gaza continue to falter. This week, Royal Dutch Shell announced it was giving up its stake in the Gaza Marine gas field, leaving the Palestinian Authority with no international partner. Israel also recently threatened Lebanonover the Beirut government’s plans to develop its maritime gas fields. “EU gas purchases from Israel will foment armed conflict between Israel and Lebanon, which in turn threatens Europe’s energy security arising from interruptions of supplies should war break out,” the BNC warns.》
short term I think we might still struggle but ultimately I think we will still be in the Championship next year
On the basis that next year is 2019, and also on the basis that I'm a pendant, we could actually get relegated this season and come straight back up. We would then be in the Championship next year as you predict. We won't go down this season though as we have Brad Potts.
I’ve always thought you were a swinger but not specifically a pendant. (note double irony in this post!)
Your fascination with posting random links to other sites never stops. I'm beginning to think that you get paid commission for traffic you take to their sites. Or to put it another way you seek like a spammer