Anyone seen any good promotions to get people into pubs/ bars? Asking for a friend who hasn’t come up with anything yet…
And what are the potential kick off times for England games depending on how we do? Anyone know? Found a few articles that randomly show some potential kick off times but not others
Pretty sure the majority of kick-off times are around 5pm, 7pm and 8pm. Don’t think there’s any mid-day kicks offs baring on a weekend.
Serbia vs England Sunday 16th June 8pm. Denmark vs England Thursday 20th June 5pm. England vs Slovenia Tuesday 25th June 8pm.
Ahh now this subject does cheer me up a bit. Yeah, it's the Euros, and it's a good chance of us/England doing well. Err, maybe lol.
Read a report saying pubs in Scotland would be staying open for an extra 2 hours every time Scotland win a game at the euros. So pubs in Scotland will be closing at their usual time.
Can't wait for the Denmark game. Away at the seaside for my birthday week, Roses T20 game is on straight after and it's Royal Ascot week.