Q - If someone in my bubble is a family member I no longer speak to can I sit at the end of the bubble to avoid any sort of contact. BFC - We would suggest some sort of emergency family councelling before next Monday. Life's too short for that type of thing. Q - Because no food kiosks are open on the day I'm taking my own Vegan packed lunch for a half time snack. Although when I applied I didn't seem to see an option to not be seated next to a meat eating mother fooooooker. BFC - The club is currently liasing with Forest Green Rovers for advise regarding your predicament. Further details to follow. Q - My close friend who is attending within my bubble suffers with severe Tourettes. As there'll be no chanting allowed will he be in trouble because of his inevitable foul mouthed outbursts. BFC - Please inform the club of your friends seat number and stand. We'll make sure security are in the vicinity as Tourettes outbursts are usually funny as chuff and on minimum wage it'll be a little bonus for them. Q - Me and my friends are going to try and create an atmosphere. We realise that it will be difficult to achieve. Is there any chance the club could instigate a Mexican wave just after kick off by displaying an image of a sombraro or sommet on the scoreboard. BFC - NO. Just thank your lucky stars you've got a ticket. Console yourself by just waving at your friends in the other stands and be thankful.
Q - during a recent home schooling art class my 5 year old daughter drew glasses and a false moustache on my photo i.d.; will it still be valid for entering the ground should I be lucky enough to get a ticket? BFC - send us a copy of it, if it's good enough, we'll get her to draw a fringe on YT's photo i.d.