my claim to fame John Parrot at Pontefract races, asked for a look at his sporting life to check for a horse, he was very nice and gave me a winning tip for later Big Bill Werbeneuck at Sheffield greyhounds he had about 13 empty pint pots on his table, also passed time of day ,was not even slurring, a legend Sean Bean in Meadowhall he had some minders who was stopping people and our lass wanted to get past to toilet, shouted "Sean our lass is busting" and he waved her through, what a man just 2 weeks ago Neil Redfearn walking his dogs, had seen him about a month ago and just let him get on with his day, but this time said "thanks for all the good times you gave us when you was star man at Oakwell", he was lovely and said "they were good times" and thanked me for saying hello,saying he always had time for reds fans
Once at headingley to watch cricket, walked through rugby ground and Rob Burrow s spoke to me and wife ,what a gentleman,
any of mine class as an A lister suppose Sean Bean in a way, but I only shouted so our lass could use toilet, you talking Hollywood? mate once waited an hour outside an hotel while on Holiday in Blackpool as a big crowd had gathered, thought must be a star wonder who it is, it was Keith Harris and Orvil, he was devastated and got some banter for ages after he told us tale
Referee Graham (3 yellows) Poll. He was staying in the same ski chalet as me in St Anton. He was OK came over as a decent enough bloke. Bizarrely the following winter we were skiing in Alpe d’ huez and there was a yell and him and his mates had spotted me and Mrs F and skied over for another chat.
Bobby hassell. Nice politely spoken shy guy lol Niall horan. Actually one crazy *******, was in Wakefield were me and my dad play golf. Had family there. Ronnie glavin. Sound man. Stephen mcmanus, morngey ******. Might of been because he was frozen out of celtic at the time.
Sean Bean is the closest that you've spoken to. Mine have mostly been sports people. Danny Wilson was lovely though when we were in the Premier.
Met a few top footballers in a professional capacity, a couple were like you'd imagine but most were decent and completely different to their game persona's. Apart from that I've had a drink with redders and he's a nice bloke. I also chatted to Paul Merson when he did an after dinner speech at ardsley house. He was obviously a troubled man. Trod on Andy roachfords foot at a gig, he was brilliant ended up buying me a drink. Neville staples (specials) shook my ten year old sons hand. Met Michael eavis a couple of times at Glastonbury, only arse I've come across was professor green.
Paul McCartney. Half hour chat about Vermeer & Rembrandt, when I was conservator at Kenwood house. Absolute gent..
would love to say hello to him, just to let him know how much joy him and his team gave me, he knows already I suppose but still nice to say it
Jimmy Cricket once asked for directions in Hounslow. So tempted to say 'and there's more'. Came across as a nice bloke. Frank Muir, Russ Abbott and Bobby Davro in Egham, Bill Kenwright outside Windsor Theatre Royal. Bruce Forsyth passed me in his car with BF1number plates on it on the A30 but we didn't speak
is it really him, you have a good look at his ears, I watched a video saying he an imposter and real Paul died in sixties, either way that's a great shout
This is probably not going to come out right.... The Queen Daniel Stendel Prince Philip Margaret Thatcher John Smith (RIP) Gerhard Struber Princess Diana Mick McCarthy Norman Rimmington Ronnie Glavin Ronnie scored a header past me in a charity match, we had a right old laugh about it afterwards. He's my equal favourite (along with Daniel Stendel) out of that lot.
The day our Premier League tickets went on sale, I was second in the queue at the ticket office as I'd been queuing since about 7 o'clock in the morning. Afterwards, since the gates to Oakwell were open I wandered around, then all the players and Danny came out onto the pitch for a team photo. So I walked on pitch and had a chat with them all, got all their signatures on my Season Ticket letter, lol Met Dickie Bird a few times, always a gent, always talking about the cricket obviously
We crossed paths with 5 of the England test team (Cook, Anderson, Swann, Bell plus one other). They had got off the plane whilst it refuelled. We were on our was to Sydney they were en route to NewZealand. The current Mrs. DR had her camera with her so we asked Captain Cook for a photo. Unfortunately being a bit star truck Mrs DR couldn't work the he flash however , the day was saved by said cricketer who told her how to do it.