Just seen on quite a few Facebook Twitter etc posts Apparently Boris has said Fans can return in October. Anyone heard this
Just posted this on another thread. Its been announced on todays downing street briefings Fans will be allowed back into stadia from october dependant on successful trials and the ability to provide covid safe envoironment
There's some League 1 and 2 clubs who are refusing to start until fans are admitted. At the moment the EFL are wanting a start date of either 29 August or 12 September.
Those clubs really need to look at what options they have for getting revenue that isn't dependant on gate receipts. Will they want next season cancelled if there's a local lockdown that affects a club?
Not so sure about that. Seems some clubs in all leagues had made their minds up that this season should be cancelled. Now we have clubs not wanting to start next season already.
Should be space for all the 7,000 who have bought one to go from the start of October. Our ground is big enough to spread everyone out especially if away fans aren't allowed. It's not a sport people tend to go alone to so because you go in multiple people groups you will be able to use up more seats. Plus some who's bought one might not want to come straight away anyway. Premier League on the otherhand will struggle to keep all fans happy.
I agree entirely about the seating at Oakwell. The problem will occur when fans are in the gangways at half time and the end of matches, in the concourses and the toilets.
Yeah seating isn't a problem. For example a group of 5 in a eticketing network take up 5 seats. 5 people who go to games alone would take up 10 seats with social distancing measures. Odd rows won't need much moving and those on a even row would be socially distanced moved to somewhere else. As you say gangways, concourses and toilets would be the concerns.
Think we will all be issued with a bucket on arrival and told to remain in our seats till the game finishes. If we play poor the players would be better off not coming over to the Ponty clapping.
The problem yoive got is everyone has season tickets in the middle section of east stand upper and lower- who’s going to be told they have to sit in old west stand or in block F of east stand for social distancing to work?
Can someone explain to me why it will be safer for fans to start to return in October than it is in September or August. What changes - All the evidence I can see points to it becoming more dangerous as we move into October November and December Also de feffels statement that we will be back to near normal by Christmas - how does that work exactly unless they expect a vaccine to be ready by then. I cant help the feeling that he is doing what he always does
The Oxford vaccine sounds really promissing with phase 1 results to have the report published in two days showing double protection from both antibodies and TV cells. Bojo will already know phase 2 and 3 of bigger groups of people, bigger age ranges and Brazil and South Africa helping us out are going well. I think the plan of mass vaccines available by September or October are already in place tbh. Especially as they have said rules will be changed to get people vaccinated quicker so nurses can can get help from other avenues such as pharmacies that don't usually do them. Boris has put all his eggs in the Oxford basket to start this within the next two months.