Nearly 25 minutes in and I don't think I've even seen Ederson yet... I reckon a chance will come eventually though. It's just what Madrid do in this competition!
He's such a weird one. Such a big game player, last year he made 11 saves in the final, and about half of them were world class. But in the league, he's a shadow of himself. Big game player like Drogba..?
Zero effort from Madrid to close the ball down though. Shameful really. Just stood there watching them pass the ball around. I'd be absolutely raging if that were my team. As soon as Madrid get the ball, City are right there on top to get it back.
Walker has had Vinicius in his pocket for 135 minutes now over the 2 legs. Why doesn't Ancelotti put him on the other side? Even if Walker changes too he'll be on his wrong side. The only way they're going to come back from this is on the counter, through Vinicius. Rodrygo is a good player but not a patch on Vinicius. Be really surprised if he doesn't swap something major
Amazed at the amount of room that city are being given on the ball. Real have underestimated this and can't handle it. Hope city go on to trounce them. Also hope our lads are seeing how they can do the same on Friday.
I think he is too, mate. As a natural defender/footballer technically I don't think he's near the standard of elite (as in Cafu, Lahm, Thuram, etc), but that pace has elevated him up there. Can't fault his mindset or determination, he's worked extremely hard, and you have to be something special to keep your place under Pep for all these years. Doesn't matter how naturally gifted you are, if you don't put the effort in you'll get nowhere, and especially these days, there's loads more to football than just natural ability.