Mate I’ve been so positive over the years and am a very positive person but I know when I am having the wool pulled over my eyes and that’s what these lot are doing
I think chien leaves Conway to get on with stuff and makes no rules up and doesn’t care if business is going to plan. All these ideas are Conway’s, I really despise the bloke just to look at.
Got me a movie I want you to know Slicing up eyeballs I want you to know Girlie so groovy I want you to know Don't know about you But I am un chien andalusia
That's because of today's result, presumably. Why not post it at 5 to 3? Whilst we were pretty crap first half, we did hit the post. The bar. I reckon we had better chances than them. But sometimes it doesn't go your way. You are at liberty to complain, but today is a bad day to pick, because we lost by the finest of margins. That new Austrian centre half is doggo though.
Tbf I’ve been banging on about it all season the writing was on the wall when Pinnock was sold Today seals our relegation hence why posting now
Lmao. I’ve been saying the same since day 1 and fully made my mind up after conways interview at Brentford at home. Would a c..nt. aye we lost by a goal? Your point is? Look how charlton have been playing lately. Still manage to beat us. As for not going our way. If don’t go our way because we have no balance. We have a few players who ain’t footballers.
Conway was there and heard the chants about him. He had a "water off a duck's back" expression. He gives the impression of not giving a toss.
I'm not sure if you're pissed or illiterate. Or both. But for me, we lost that game due to bad defending - new Austrian bloke not hard enough for ball in for first goal. Second goal, maybe Clarke ought not to be allowing space for the bloke who scored? You can't say that we should beat any particular team on any particular day. You turn up and play. We did enough - except finish.