@Tekkytyke, hope the flash flooding has not had an impact on you and we hope you and your friends are safe.
Thanks for your concern but we are all OK. Apart from a few thunderstorms which passed through quickly with spectacular lightning but little rain it was pretty calm and sunny. Thundering now as I type this. Sadly Pesaro, which is further up the coast near to Rimini was not so lucky. Local news states 10 people died. After the severe drought which s Italy has experienced they had a deluge of 40+ centimeters of rainfall in the space several hours. Climate change is definitely affecting farmers around here, although we have a bumper crop of figs from our tree the plums have been not so good this year and the olives are non existent although I went mad with the chain saw last autumn as they were getting out of hand (we only have a couple of olive trees anyway so not enough for oil but which we pick later when they turn black and store in brine for eating after a few months. Looks like the pear tree has succumbed to the prolonged heat and drought. Hope you and yours are well and enjoying La Dolce Vita.
Glad all is well and you were not too badly affected. I did see the devastation on the news, very worrying. I am going crazy with the chainsaw at the moment, trying to open up the views, hard work in this heat. We are settling in well thanks and enjoy La Dolce Vita.