When two months ago they said 'later date' we didn't expect it to be this late https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2021/july/new-ceo/
Khaled's initial focus - as I'm sure you can appreciate - will be on settling in, getting to know the club, its/his staff, meetings with all departments, the town etc. But I'm hoping that we will do something with him this month, hopefully on camera and we've always been very open in terms of the media/press getting their chance to speak to our previous CEOs, so I'd like to think that will continue. But I'm not going to speak on his behalf and state anything with certainty at this stage. I barely know the chap! Basically, let him get his feet under the table first.
Poor buggar will have been doing his induction with learning and development modules (you know, some GDPR and health and safety *****, fire escape procedures and all that). I also reckon he'll have had to tidy up his office as Dane would have left it in a state when he ran away. I do wonder what he had for his snap though? Maybe he stopped off at Jack Fultons on his way in and got a frozen lasagne. I hope he cleaned the microwave after though.