Anyone see that programme last night about big craze on these fat jabs? A few of my mates wife’s have had them, tbf lost some timber too, one of my mates has lost 2 stone since Christmas. A think weight in some cases your either a fatty or a thinny from being born but surely changing your diet and hitting the road for some good old exercise is better?? Im sure he said that in the next few years over half the country will be obese, Anyone on here had them jabs either cosmetically or through the NHS?
For some obesity is most definitely a medical condition, so a jab is perhaps a more appropriate treatment. But on the whole I'd agree with you, diet and exercise, but you've got to want to do it, it's hard work. I lost 6st by watching what I eat and going out running, so I know it can be done if you commit.
It's the way things are going as our lives become more sedantry. I sit at a desk all day and if I don't get on my bike or go for a few runs a week I feel like **** both physically and mentally. All most people need to do to lose weight is watch your calories and have a level of moderate exercise.
I sit on my bum all day working so make sure that I exercise before work every day. I’m not sure what I’d look like if I didn’t… There’s some crazy stuff that people try. I don’t know the exact details of it but someone at work had a permanent procedure in Turkey (surprise!) that did something to her stomach so now she can only eat a few spoonfuls of food before she’s full. She said her husband made a great curry the other day and she could only eat a couple of spoonfuls. I’d rather just enjoy meals I think.
Our society is set up to encourage people to consume more. From being bombarded with ads by McDonald's, Dominos and Just Eat to the way offers are promoted in supermarkets, it's all designed to increase consumption, to push people's self control, and it works. These companies wouldn't spend millions on it if it didn't. Until all of that is banned I'm not going to condemn anyone for taking appetite suppressing drugs to help them maintain control.
I've considered it. Have always been on the chubby side and found it difficult to shift weight despite exercising regularly. It's fair to say I do enjoy my food and craft ales though! The thing is, the jab supposed to make your food taste absolutely minging - which would surely suck a huge amount of joy out of life.
I may have to go down the medical route soon after recently joining the type 2 diabetes club. Lifestyle for me. Sitting all day and out of the habit of walking or running. My first course of action is 2 months of trying to lower my blood sugar level naturally; eat less, eat better, exercise more. We'll see where that takes me, but it's sobering; I have a milestone birthday at the end of the year and I'd very much like to see it. Good advice heard recently; the two-size diet. Portion size Exer size
Whilst exercise is great for fitness and stamina, you have to do far more of it than any non sports person is likely to do to lose weight from it. Unless there is a medical reason for weight gain, it really is just a case of how many calories you eat/drink. Some calories are far better for you than others but it’s the amount, no matter where from, that determines how much you weigh. I’m currently tracking what I eat on MyFitnessPal, set to lose a lb a week and I’m down 10lbs in eight weeks as I never eat the exact full allowance. I’ve used it a few times whenever I creep up to 10st and it’s never failed to work, it’s impossible for it to not as long as you’re honest.
See my post directly after yours. Exercise is always a good thing but it does very little for weight loss. You can lose weight whilst sitting in that chair all day (not that that would be healthy for reasons outside of weight) and you can lose weight whilst eating any type of food, it just needs to be smaller amounts. If you can’t be arsed to track calories (guaranteed to work but boring and involves lots of weighing your food to see what you actually eat) then just stick to the recommended portion sizes. Yes, they look absolutely laughable but they’re correct.
I’ve used that all before, the first week is mind numbing but then it’s like something switches in your head and you feel drawn to the app, tracking and being generally more conscious, and the main thing is, it’s free
My favourite things about it (besides it being free) is how it made me aware of surprising things after logging it. For example: who knew that skinless sausages are more calories than normal ones (same brand etc.) What’s all that about? I was getting what I thought was healthier and it was actually worse. Also, when I walk for miles and used to think that meant I deserved a big treat and you log it and it’s actually worth about a third of the calories you thought and very few grams of extra carbs or fat. I used to put more weight on after exercising (and not because of the saying muscle weighs more than fat) but because I’d eat unknowingly eat far more calories than I’d lost on those days.
A few years ago when I was still working in an office a few of us decided we needed to lose a few pounds and I started checking what I ate in MyFitnessPal. And also logging excercise and making sue I didnt go over my daily calorie limit allowing myself a bit more to eat when I did a reasonable amount of excercise for example a 45 min HIIT session is worth about 500 calories. I lost steadily around 1lb per week going down from nearly 16 stone to 13 stone over around a year and keeping it there. It helped there were a group of us and we had weekly weigh ins on the scales in our goods in. The combination of pressure to keep improving and watching what you eat is by far the best way to do it. Watching portion sizes, having fruit for dessert instead of treacle sponge some of the time and cutting out snacks have a significant effect. Excercise helps a bit but its not the key for anyone who does a desk job. Unfortunately Ive been working from home for a few years now so lost the group and weekly weigh ins and also the Mrs is a bad influence as she can snack but not put weight on so Im back to where I was. Really need to lose a couple of stone but its harder on your own when working at home, and Im not joining weightwatchers
Yeah, it's easier to control weight by monitoring food than anything else and being honest about it. People who say they don't eat much and can't lose weight are inevitably either underestimating how much they eat or overestimating the effect of exercise.
Or eating/drinking the wrong things eg if you want a snack having a banana ~70 calories is a lot better than having a big Mars bar 450calories to give an extreme example
Cheers. I know all the science, inside out. Was obsessive in my cycling and walking days, heart rate, resting heart rate, calories, sleep cycles, blood pressure, when to eat, what to eat, hydration ........... I'm just lapsed. Health mojo out the window. I need to get back on it, and thankfully I have had the wake-up call.
A Mars bar is around 200 odd calories, I think you’re looking at 100g. I’d mostly choose the Mars bar but I’d eat half of it if I was looking for a treat. I’m very much in the school of eat my favourite things but less of it. I know some would rather pretend it didn’t exist as they’d want it all rather than just a taste.
Lost 4 stone over two and a bit years just by calorie tracking. Limited myself to 1600 to 1850 a day and just got on with life. I won't say it's been easy because it hasn't, but the benefit is clear and in another 9 pounds or so I should have reached my target weight.
Keto works quite well for me, its just another form of calorie restriction really. But I do think we as a society were sold a lie at sometime in the 1970s/80s that fat was bad. You can't move these days for low fat this, low fat that, and yet everyone's getting fatter. Much better to eat full fat food and feel fuller - so you eat less. Unfortunately we are in the grip of a sugar epidemic, which replaced the fat in lots of low fat products in order to keep them tasting palatable. I think people have a personal responsibility, but its hard when the entire food industry is geared towards high margin, low nutritious food that's full of poison (sugar). The jabs just control your appetite I believe, I would say if they get you into the habit of eating less calories and making better choices about the calories you do eat then they are a very good thing - too many people are dying too young - cancer/stroke/heart name it, all because of the food we eat.
When I was doing longer runs of 12 to 18 miles, on returning to home I'd not be able to eat for an hour but then be ravenously hungry for the rest of the day! Still need to lose a couple of stone but that will be hard whilst I love beer, pork pies and pizza!