Four each for hundreds if not thousands of fans. We surely expecting to read how we can start to redeem for first game? Have I missed tickets being put of sale with it only a couple of weeks or so away?
I had them on my account from the previous season and now they've disappeared. Was they only redeemable for last season .
You'll probably need to wait until the club can definitely open the doors up beyond the 11k season ticket holders, before they invite extra bums on seats from the flexi-tickets.
All information will be out there in good time. Don't fret. We've had to jump through a lot of hoops and wait for clarification on all matters of issues. Over the next week everyone will be fully up to speed if they read emails/the website/socials etc.
Hopefully it’s news we want to hear. They have gone off my account too as someone said above. Obviously they can’t expire as we have been unable to redeem them.