A Tory source has this morning suggested scrapping Hs2 could be one of May's election manifesto pledges . Could I ask people to follow the link and make supportive comments , only takes a minute to sign up . http://www.express.co.uk/news/polit...ster-theresa-May-scrapping-HS2-Tory-manifesto The source is from inside the Tory party to a Tory newspaper , whilst it may be a small part , I am convinced researchers take note of such comment sections , on some issues there are many more comments than people surveyed in opinion polls . Hundreds of South Yorkshire homes are threatened....your help will be appreciated . Cheers Sent from Samsung tablet.
Firstly. It's a labour policy Secondly. I would have brought investment in the north .. Thirdly of course in post brexit UK. We can expect a lot more of theses North damaging policies
I'd pref err to sign one that says all tories are cnuts and should give all their wealth to the north....
HS2 will not bring investment in the north. All it will do is see londoners buy properties further north and commute into london and in turn all that will do is push property prices up pricing out the locals. There is no way in hell that a company is going to open in Barnsley purely because their employees can drive to sheffield, get on a train for a couple of hours and be in london 10 minutes quicker than if they had just got on the m1 today. Now if HS2 was going to carry freight and goods then maybe it would encourage companies to locate here and send their products around the country by rail but it was not intended to do that. It was intended to get people to london SLOWER than you already can
Right wing tory government stopping investment in the north which was a labour policy and. And supported by the centre of the Conservative party
You're not far wrong , although the idea for the project dates back to the 80's when someone ( cant remember who ) saw the high speed train in France and spent years trying to convince various Govt's that we should have one . In 1998? Labour had it as a manifesto commitment ....both Tories and Lib Dems took it up so as not to let anyone steal a march on them and since then they've all been locked in to a project they signed up for with no idea of the cost or consequences . Lord Adonis was the big mover in 2009 and I genuinely think it was a personal vanity project . The worst thing is they've wasted over 2 billion already .
You're right what possible. Benifits could investing in the infrastructure up the whole of the spine of the country bring. For a start I expect it's going to build its self and maintain its self
I'm all for investment in our crumbling transport infrastructure to help business and enterprise but there is not one redeeming element of the HS2 project that sits well with me. I completely agree that it is nothing but a very expensive and disruptive vanity project. It's already cost a small fortune and it should be scrapped without another penny being wasted.
It would be cheaper to just give a few hundred k lump sum to the relative few who will gain a temporary job building it. It isn't investing in infrastructure anyway, it is building an outdated unsuitable white elephant that offers no benefit to the areas it destroys. Explain how Barnsley benefits in any way more than it benefits by having planes fly over its skyline on the way to manchester
not being pro or against on ANY political level I just cant see spending all that money and ruining some peoples lives on a one off job just to get to London 20 mins quicker. some of you may know i'm Doncaster born and bred ( until I was 15) and the influx of Londoners/people working in London when they realised that London was only 2hrs away and with wi-fi you could work on the train really rammed house prices up ( London wages, south yorks prices) a cousin of mine ragged in renting in London, moved back to Donny ( stainforth) but still worked for the firm but from home, with twice monthly commute...................... London wages south yorks prices
Good. Get rid of HS2 which will destroy communities, and basically allow Southern based workers to move further North. This is a much better option http://www.highspeeduk.co.uk/ Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
I want investment in the north. What i don't want is an expensive train line cutting through the countryside with only ONE objective. To get to London
You realise that as it stands Hs2 doesn't even stop in South Yorkshire ? The current plan recommended by Sir David Higgins goes via Chesterfield and straight to Leeds....not much benefit for South Yorkshire .