An Englishman, a Scotsman and a Welshman are caught by coastal pirates and taken to the village where they meet the chief pirate I will give each of you a chance to live , but first you must pass the freedom test the chief says He takes all three over to a large pool in which is a great white shark. The test is easy. All you have to do is put your arm into the water for one minute and if the shark doesn’t take your arm off you may go free. The Welshman steps forward, rolls up his sleeve and waits till the shark is at its farthest point then plunges his arm into the water. Instantly the shark turns and in a flash takes the arm off and swallows it. The Welshman screams and after a few minutes has bled to death. The Scotsman next steps up, takes off his jacket and again waits till the shark is at the furthest point. Hoping thar after one arm the shark might have had enough ,his arm goes slowly into the water. But the shark was still hungry and five seconds later CHOMP. The Scotsman fell down minus his arm which the shark had swallowed. Alas he, like the Welshman bled to death. The Englishman now stepped forward, rolled up his sleeve and with no hesitation plunged his arm into the water. The shark raced towards it and at the last second turned away. For several minutes the arm remained in the water until the chief called enough. Taking the Englishman’s arm he spotted a tattoo which read "Wednesday for the Premiere League ” and let’s face it nobody, even a shark would swallow that