Labour to announce this next week, it will be paid for by taking out an account with curry's and getting 50 million telly's on 3 years credit at 39.9 percent APR it says it could cause a shortage of drill bits as parts of the nation rush to b + q in search of the right size masonry tip the exact size of the tv as not been guaranteed but rumour as it,the size will be their share of the election vote in each constinuancy to encourage people to vote labour ,Barnsley people could get 60 inch plus tvs, if previous results are repeated, but sadly St Albens could only receive a portable its upto you people vote Labour and get a big telly free
Vote Tory and help the poor millionaires . These poor poor multi millionaires haven’t been getting their full value of their invested money due to Brexit uncertainty. It’s been a struggle for most of them in these uncertain times, yachts have had to be tied up in marinas and one millionaire who wishes to be anonymous said he’s had to sell four of his racehorses such is the impact . At a dinner to raise money for the homeless where hundreds of Tory MPs and Multi Millionaires gathered to raise almost £50 one multi millionaire said they could have nearly doubled in more prosperous days . Vote Tory you know it makes sense . (For them)
lol,sorry thought it was funny,obviously not,I do vote Labour but saddens me they have to come out with daft ideas that are not feasible,wish it was a labour party that could win,but daft ideas like free broadband just wont work
do i deserve abuse for trying to make a joke,wish there was a section on this forum you could close your account ,bet lots would use it
I thought it was funny mate (As was Marlon's response) and I'll be voting Labour as well. We need a laugh in this politically depressing era.
Don't take it to heart,mate. Just be aware that many people have already taken advantage of the free NHS sense of humour bypass operation. Sadly, these people are now unable to laugh at anything.
You do realise that we were meant to have state owned internet, don’t you? Through British Telecom. But Thatcher sold it off, like the Tories always do. So you’re right, it’s daft to suggest that like many wealthy nations we should have state run broadband. It’s daft that we should expect better than 8% coverage in the 5th wealthiest nation on earth whilst Japan, South Korea have coverage at nearly 100%. Let’s carry on paying more to the Tories’ mates for a terrible service, in the name of ‘competition’.
How do you know it will not work. It will bring this country into the 21st century be good for industry small businesses and everyone, we are years behind country's like Japan. But if you listen to the likes of Boris the Buffoon that's O.K. If you don't want to move with the times.
I bet there isn’t a person alive with access to the internet in the UK who hasn’t had a rant at least once about the crap service and extortionate prices from Virgin, Sky, Talk Talk etc.
ive always been pretty impressed with sky’s service to be honest I think I’d rather use carrier pigeons or live in a cave than endure a state owned McCluskeyNet call centre
Don't see an issue with this from a society of view. The Internet has become so entrenched into the fabric of society that it should become a right to have access at a good speed. All public utilities should be state owned imo with any profit ploughed back into the public purse. Quite why Branson should be scraping off profits for charging folk for underspend, throttled broadband (miselling) is anyone's guess.
Why is it daft? Tell you what's daft, allowing individual billionaires and tech giants to avoid paying tax whilst everyone else in society suffers because if we don't then we're somehow "stifling ambition". Working Class Tory Voters = Temporarily embarrassed billionaires
I don't think people appreciate how much money a billion is, let alone hundreds of billions. To give a non financial example of how much money buys you in terms of £1 = 1 second £50k would take you back 14 hours. £1m would take you back 11 days. £1bn would take you back 31 years. £83bn (Jeff Benzos wealth) would take you back 3317 years, or to 1298 BC, just a few years after Ramessis I was coronated. Alternatively... If you were paid $2500 an hour an since the birth of Christ, worked full time, didn't pay any tax or spend a penny you'd have $8.3bn. Yet there would still be 30 Americans alive right now with more money than you.
There’s actually a serious point to this. As a country we lag miles behind most developed countries in terms of superfast broadband provision. The problem with the profit motive is that companies will only act where they see a commercial benefit. I actually applaud this initiative.