Morngy sod ! Says we're the most direct side in the Championship! Also our first goal was offside. I think someone on twitter put the stats up and they played the same number of long balls as us. Worst performance from us in a while and we still won!
What's up? Has his shithouse team, and their shithouse fans, been outshithoused? May I drink his salty tears. When we've more than a century of violence and racism as the only things rival supporters know us for, we can have the conversation about direct football.
Gary Rodents teams aren't usually known for there great passing football so abit hypocritical of him.
Morngy is the word for him I know someone said they wouldn't mind him as manager but he always seems to lack class in the interviews I've seen.
This is bang on, right back when he managed Burton Albion they were awful to watch so he's in no position to comment on our style!
I've looked at our goal a few times. Woodrow is definitely onside, Morris might be off (again) but he wasn't interfering with play (again). Dear Gary, We won. You lost. The end in another thread rowatt signed matt Smith at the beginning of the season hes built like a basketball player its obvious what he had in mind there. But when another team adopts that tactic he doesn't like it.
That's the manager of the family club of the year you're talking about... It must grate them how good our recent form against them has been.
Millwall's game plan was based on long balls behind our wingbacks so a bit ironic and makes the win even sweeter.
I caught most of the interview on ifollow after the game and he came across very well. He was accepting that they lost to a better team and was complimentary about our strengths.
Proper sour grapes from him. What he’s done is made the points sound like compliments but in reality, they’re digs at us. Fvck him. I forgot all of his teams play tiki taka Barca style!
Agreed. What I take from that interview is that he worked out exactly how to beat us and they still couldn't manage it. Great stuff.