Modern day football and fans have accepted cheating. I think it's vile. Come on people, stand up to this ****, or you're a facilitator. Christ
Everyone who had ever played football has accepted contact in a game. Watters looked like a robot walking into their ch but if that constitutes a red card then the game is dead beyond recognition.
Wow. He jumped arm first directly into his face after staking him out and never looking at the ball at any point. If that isn’t a red card then the game is dead beyond recognition. Yes the defender milked it. No I don’t like that. But that doesn’t make the challenge any less cynical or have any less vicious intention.
Could a 6ft 2 defender have rolled about like a new born any more? These adult baby boys are an embarrassment. Imagine behaving like this in actual life.
The defender rolled about a bit to try and make sure the referee made the call he wanted. Nobody likes to see that. But the referee wasn't ever going to make any other decision. It was a shocking "challenge" that I called as a red as soon as I saw it and deserved a red card all day long. I dont understand how anyone could think otherwise and the other players reaction is not the issue here.
The way the defender reacted had no bearing on the challenge. The challenge came before the reaction, and was appalling. A red every day of the week.
Red card all day long. Not quite Morgan on Hume, but I was honestly minded of that when I watched the highlights. It was a really nasty moment.
As someone who lives in Aussie Rules country, when asked what I'm up to at the weekend and I say I'll be watching the football and then have to explain I mean the rolling-around-on-the-floor type football it saddens me. It should be something that is clamped down on as it is hurting the growth of the sport in some parts of the world. Still was a red card mind you.
I know it is a difficult judgement call but... ...all this rolling round in agony after contact (the incident here was a clear Red and the potential for injury was clear) IS detrimental to the game. IMO, where a player feigns serious injury, especially where a head/facial injury is claimed but then makes a miraculous recovery without treatment should be sent to the sidelines as he would if the trainer had been called on to treat any serious injury. There is an additional 'safety' issue to ascertain if the injury is genuine or not. Those player who instantly 'recover' having writhed around after the offender has been booked/sent off and especially those that embarrassingly jump up and sprint forward as if nothing had happened, if it is to their teams advantage and where play has continued without a foul being awarded should be yellow carded at the first opportunity. I have for a long time been in favour of the 'sin bin' where an offence is committed but not serious enough to be awarded a red card e.g. serious dissent couldresult in 5 minutes 'cooling off'. It work in other team sports so why not football?
Is the OP a windass? Or too much babycham only surprise to me was the length of time it took to show the card, I said to lads at side of me straight red all day
Tilertoes, I think you need to follow this link. Hope this helps.
Said this a few weeks ago it’s not the refs who are all bad it’s that they are looking to be deceived by players all the time now. Shithousing, cheating it’s in every moment of every game now. Look at corners it’s now become accepted that players can have their shirts pulled and hardly ever is it called a pen or a foul anymore. Same as I never understand why refs go and have a word when there’s shenanigans going off just before a corner is coming in - just let it play out and give the decision either way they see it.
Hey we agree on something! Any player with a "head injury" real or feigned, should be assessed off the pitch by a medic, meanwhile the game continues. Same applies to any player that rolls about in "agony". Would soon put a stop to it.