So can someone please tell me who to vote for and why. Seems like voting in political events is now a complete waste of time.
Won’t happen. MPs won’t vote themselves out of a job in such an uncertain political climate, when literally any MP could lose their seat.
Thing is Ian he can promise an election on that date then if it is passed can unilaterally change the date to let the Brexit deadline pass . Corbyn and the alliance which includes the SNP want it cast in stone before their consent is granted .
I quite like Corbyn looking like the pantomime villain. They get their extension until January 2020 and keep voting against any proposal the government comes up with for a deal. What then? Boris is right we have nothing to barter with the EU with now. We'll leave on a deal that doesn't suit the nation and be loved for years to come. The EU have been quite clear along. Corbyn is an ass.
There’s no guarantee that the untrustworthy ******* won’t move the GE date till after we’ve crashed out.
Corbyns an idiot, doesn’t want a GE u til his main bargaining tool with the EU if he was to get in has been removed
Teensy-weensy flaw in your plan; Boris won’t return from Brussels with any proposal. Not in this life or the next.
Boris has had no intention of negotiating a deal with the EU - he doesn’t want to barter - his paymasters want No Deal! He’s an untrustworthy liar