Before I log off the internet for a few days, thought I’d wish everyone on here the best festive period possible. I’ve used this forum for more than half of my life, and I’ve had the pleasure of the company of a good number of you, whilst a handful have even become good pals through the years. It’s a forum where just about anything is up for debate, with a shared love for BFC at heart of it. There will always be disagreements, mistakes and the odd slanging match - that’s natural and something we all endure with friends and family, never mind on here. I’m not going to preach on, but take a look around right now. I’m aghast at the greed of the few and the stark realities faced by the many, in a land awash with cash. It’s going to be the bleakest of Christmas for potentially millions of people in this country. The 5th richest nation in the world. I’m fortunate right now to have a warm home, plenty of food and drink, my own car and a decent job. I was brought up in the care system, so it’s not always been easy. I had to make something of myself with very little help. But I did have help. There were one or two unbelievable humans whose efforts helped me find my way. In essence, I think what I’m saying is - there’s always people worse off, especially at the moment. Please try and help if and where possible. F%#* the Tories.
Merry Christmas to you and yours YT! Merry Christmas to all of my fellow reds fans (and @arabian_ian and @Pelly) And f*#k the tories
All the best Andy, enjoy the family time around the football! Couldn't put my thoughts down any better than you have mate, agree with every word.