..anyone from here he watching? They’ve had a couple of near missed over the last couple of season, I think they got screwed over with the average thing during Covid last year? The year before with Toronto.. (what ever happened to them btw?!) Toulouse will he big favourites tonight but it’ll be nice to see a packed out Fev’ - Cas’ game in the Super League next year.
Yes mate, Sky sports Arena from 5:30 pm. Lots of family live over in Fev. Massive Barnsley and Fev season ticket holders. I went to the league game. Fev were best at going forward. But Toulouse were like a brick wall in defence. If Fev manage to break through I reckon they can win. Come on you flat caps./colliers.
Loved my days late 80s - early 90s watching Fev at P.O. Road. Was out of football (bad injury) as a mid/late teen so me and my Dad used to go thro and travelled away aswell. Paul Newlove, Graham Steadman, Derrick Fox, Jeff Grayson etc. A really good side. Had my blue and white LINPAC shirt. Loved it. Happy days.
Been at a wedding fair all day, after playing an afterparty in Wolverhampton last night. 3 hours sleep. Yes, League. I stand very well corrected. I have now amended my post. Thanks for pointing out my massive error.
No disrespect but Featherstone will be another Leigh Centurions if they do go up and win a couple of games at the most. Definitely think that changes are needed at the top though for Rugby League to move forward and survive in this country.
We was poor. First time I haven’t been to Toulouse for years due to my girls team playing in a final on same day. Was gutted about not going but glad now ahah. Unfortunately not a level playing field. Full time v part time, final in France and Fev having to travel same day as final. But still no excuse for the shocking start to the game