Good morning all, and what a wonderful day. I am just coming to the end of a splendid trip to Italy having undertaken a tremendously interesting course on olive pressing and wine tasting in the Dessi Mill. I’m considering opening an olive bar when I return to the UK and thought there could be some really robust demand for such a venture in Barnsley. It’s likely that me and my partner Georgio will be going full steam ahead when we return. Anyway, I digress, I’m really looking forward to this season. There is a great chance of promotion and I think Jose will really blossom in his full season in charge which such great players such as Liam, Adam, Adam, Stevie, Adam and Lloyd to play with. I would fully expect the entire 138 points this season with the former Real Madrid and Chelsea man in his element: coaching, supporting, teaching and encouraging. Altogether now: BELIEVE!!! George Spicer.
That trip sounds just heavenly, George. It must have been quite an experience having your olives pressed. Oh, and good luck with that new business venture - I can't wait to see you and Georgio going at it 'full steam' with your olives on show next time I'm in Barnsley. You'll no doubt be getting into some fruity extra virgin?
I hope it’s not the same Georgio as my fiancé or we may have a little problem George! I’m still paying for her so you may need to take on the finances she comes with!
...erm, it won't be Granty, er...because you said...her....(cough)...anyhow... Good Morning George, glad you enjoyed Italy. Jose is doing a grand job still. He and the new owners have actually been out, door to door, promoting this new fantastic season ticket offering too. Never before have us, the fans, felt so attached to the club. Ironically, Chien Lee mentioned, over a cup of tea at my house, whilst delivering my season tickets, complete with free Jose Is Our King T-shirt, that he was looking to open an olive bar in the East Stand. May be worth you offering your wares when his club canvassing campaign reaches Surrey early next week.
Gutted, the rumours that you had applied for the head coaches job ( errr obviously hmm should the position become err available) are untrue. Good luck with the olive business though, why don’t you contact the club for a bit of promotion, at half time maybe you could stand Georgio on the goal line and lob olives Into his mouth from the penalty spot , tenner for charity every time he catches one. I heard somewheren he was good with plums so olives should be a doddle.
Where in the Barnsley area are you going to grow your olive trees? I imagine south facing would be best so maybe Lundhill? Then, to keep the theme going there's a bijou little taverna at Lundwood, near Cundy Cross, where at the moment you'd have a captive market of thousands of people milling around the new, exciting, traffic experience, all going nowhere, all looking for stuffed olives.
I think that George & Georgio's Olive Emporium could be a very popular pop up in the East Stand next season. Maybe Pimms should be available too and foie gras (although the lefty liberal elite may object to the latter).
There's a distinct lack of olive related hors d'oevre at Oakwell. The current catering supply is a symbol of unmitigated tragedy and I shall be absolutely thrilled for you and your partner to reverse this example of complete floccinaucinihilipilification of a most vital part of our collective matchday experience.
If it does well I'm considering opening a Russian caviar stand in the car park. "Half time caviar, paaarnd a gram."
I think George is on to something here - perhaps this is what people mean when they talk about the match day experience at Oakwell - Olive stalls, caviar stands, champagne tents, boulangeries, hand dryers and pre-match charcuteries. The powers that be have obviously been missing a trick for a number of years at Oakwell. I for one can’t wait til next season.
Fancy a round of squash when you're back in Blighty, George? My balls haven't had a good seeing to since you were last up.
A chien lee hatmask free with every season ticket purchased. However rumours swirling around Oakwell that they’ve re-used an unsold batch of 2004 Jacob Burns hatmasks and reworked the hair.