Voted overwhelmingly for Brexit(70%), now they want special dispensation for their industry when it happens so they don't pay import tariffs . David Davies now wants the City of London to be exempt from the end of free movement. Thick idiots should be left to accept the consequences. I thought Brexit meant Brexit and it was going to be so easy? Like the puppy who poos on the carpet - time for a special lesson.
Problem is we are all going to be taught a special lesson whether we were pro brexit or not as the government lurches forwards without any idea how to ensure our economy isnt going to be completely screwed, There is an absolute classic piece of advice From Brexiteer John Redwood advising Foreign investors to pull all their money from the UK and invest in Europe see for example but the story is in all papers except the pro brexit ones of course
The vast majority of the rest of the world think we were stone cold barmy to vote out, half the government think the same and I'd hazard a guess that the majority of the population now think so too but we're stuck with the total mess because it's apparently undemocratic to correct an error of judgement.
The Grimsby thing is funny as **** to be fair. As are the farmers getting their knickers in a twist about subsidies. You get what you voted for.
Abolished in 1998 apparently. I thought treason and piracy on the high seas were an anomaly and still carried the death penalty. Apparently not.
TBF.. everyone without their own EU spin will know that the good people of Grimsby, who took no notice of the mass pro EU propaganda including the then USA president. and voted out. Are not the same people who want a exemption for there fish businesses... as usual its the money men.. Ubrexitreds..
70% of the UKs fish processing industry is located in Grimsby; if that's not Turkeys voting for Christmas I don't know what is. Talking of spin, no doubt they're hanging on for the £350 million a week for the NHS which is surely coming.....
I’m not fussed either way about Brexit but it’s the small fisherman of Grimsby who will be screwed and given the town relies so heavily on the industry it in turn is screwed. The tories certainly won’t be looking after our friends in the north. The err big fish will be off to Europe. Daft to think otherwise.