I reckon it is something to do with Adam Hammill? There's a certain Triple H thing going on with Hammill before games when he's got his water.
Adam Hammill isnt doing the boss's daughter though is he, like Triple H was/is. ps - Lets hope Roman Reigns will R.I.P in 3 weeks time at Mania
No I think Roman Reigns needs the win. It would help turn him heel like fans have wanted for ages and even suspending disbelief it's unrealistic to think a broken down part timer in his 50s can beat up a guy in his prime. It's like if someone from the past in a sport was up against a current day person of the same level, you would always back the current day guy to win. I realise Sports Entertainment plays by different rules.....WWE struggle badly to make new stars so they pack out Wrestlemania top matches with part timers and put them in the more prominent positions on the event poster.
A wrestler who married the daughter of his boss so had to work extra hard to win people over. He sprays waters on the ring apron as part of his entrance which is what our Adam does..... https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uRGQugQpjz8&ved=0ahUKEwjO-tfJ9dDSAhXlKcAKHTBBAT4QwqsBCBwwAA&usg=AFQjCNEiruZHbvFIJojZAFKZFvkiKqVZdg Bit like how Brian Howard in goal celebrations copied the John Cena "you can't see me" hand gesture such as when he won us the game at Anfield.
On second thoughts Mr c, I'll explain. At half time yesterday they played 'the game's by motorhead which is the entrance music of a wrestler called triple H who is known as 'the game'. Triple h spits water in a mist like Adam hammill does when he drinks. I don't think you needed to know anything about who he married really
What exactly does Roman Reigns offer though, hes naff on the mic and the fans cant stand him. Remember the push he was given, but those expected cheers were just boos from fans who arent interested in him either way. It annoys me that my all time favourite The Undertaker is still being dragged back every year for Mania, but I still want him to win each time. That was a disgrace making him lose the so called streak to a piece of garbage like Brock Lesnar!
Anyone think he would be a decent Centre Forward, Opposition defenders would find him a bit harder to push out of the way than Armstrong and he looks quite tall - oh and his his bird fit?