and lets hope as far as reasonably possible that things work out positively for everyone in 2022. Regards
I wish for Health and Happiness for you all in 2022. There have been times when you have saved my sanity in 2021 and I thank you all for that.
@Tekkytyke started it during lockdown by mentioning a drink he'd had and as it didn't have a name we decided to go with Red Rimmo being a BBS drink! A rough guide: (mix Ginger ale and cherry juice first to your taste for sweetness) then its 2 parts vodka, 3 parts sour cherry /ginger ale mix and put in cocktail shaker with lots of ice, shake well then pour into champagne flutes (minus ice obviously )and top up with chilled Prosecco. I used gin last night and get the cherry cordial from Farmer Copleys..