Today postings on this site are a joy to read -- Stahlrost has given us a lovely description of his 72 mile walk around Barnsley (proof to follow!) Proud Dad Turbotyke is celebrating his daughters academic success. Mr Badger is sunning himself at the Bay Hotel. Trickster Two Six and Pompey Red are shagging each other senseless. Jam Drop loves TobyTyke. Jacob Mellis signs for Gillingham. St Luigi Scrosoppi intervened and given BFC his Blessing - we remain a Championship Club. (Fk) the Happy Mondays - can we not have Happy Tuesdays when only happy/joyous messages are posted. Peace and Good Wishes to you all RT.
Like it. Why don't we also take it a step further Windup Wednesday. Nudger will be responsible for starting all the threads on that day. Matters of State Monday - Catering for left v right, leave v remain, im right v you're wrong (and I couldn't possibly change my mind), covid vs "faux" pandemic. Conspiracy theory Thursday - obviously more Covid because that's clearly a conspiracy theory and maybe we can talk about the moon landings and the reptilian humanoids that run the country. Friday Fight (night). Saturday is character assassination day. Pick a member of club staff and then hammer them based on little more than rumour and hearsay and someone's mate who was sacked from the club. We've booked Whitey in for this weekend. Sunday is Sh*t football day. Moan about why we are crap at football. Any more suggestions? (Sorry I clearly should read more Happy Tuesday postings)
Sheffield Wednesday - a session of laughter because the only massive thing about them is the number of points they have to make up.
You missed out 'Switch Off Saturday' - the period following a match* where the forum is best left alone while the usual suspects vent their feelings. * - Starts at 3:01pm
Whilst we're on a thread that a member of admin is active on, I'd like to know the views of admin regarding the racist content on this site at the minute? Are we just going to let it slide? What happens if BAME Barnsley players read this site? Are we compliant in racism now? Cheers.
Pretty sure no one on admin would knowingly stand by and allow racist posts. However, we don’t see everything. I for one haven’t been on the board for a couple of days and having had a quick look at threads, can’t see anything racist. I’m off out shortly. If you send a link to the racist thread or alert admin, I’m sure it will be looked at.
Honest answer. I don’t read every thread. I looked at the title of that thread a couple of days ago. I ignored it. I have a life, and watching people enter year 8 of arguing about Brexit is if no interest. I have family over tonight. When i get a minute i might take a look.
I also chose not to read it. I've tried tonight and I've done three separate sittings/chapters and I'm still only on page seven! It's a car crash of a thread in terms of people's opinions, but nothing I would want to call out as being definitely racist. I am only 25% of the way through though and I'm sure it gets worse. Just to add, we have moved multiple threads in the last couple of months off the site because of racist comments. So I don't think it's fair to say we're complicit in racism. I've personally taken 4/5 off the main site the minute the discussion veers towards people not being nice to each other. It might not have led to bans, yet, but it has been noted. This board was a much better place when there was football to talk about .........
I haven't read it either, but if you're concerned or upset about someone or some posts then why not point admin in the right direction instead of having them reading 12 pages
I've reported individual posts in that thread. I've done that previously too - and to be fair to Loko he has removed racist posts in the passed. Forgot he was an admin.
What frustrates me is that instead of taking action against the racists who drag the BBS down the entire threads are simply removed. If the racists like Selby red were banned then every thread he participates in wouldn't need removing