Yesterday I noticed we were late kicking off again so looked at the latest scores and saw pretty much everyone else were 2 minutes into their games while our players were still wandering around the pitch. It's been going on for years so there must be a reason but does anyone know what it is? Only thing I can think of is that the referee rings the bell or whatever they do in 2023 at a set time to get the players out of the changing rooms but because our changing rooms are in monk bretton it takes them so long to walk out to the pitch that we are late out?
There must be a reason for it because it's happened for years and the location of the changing rooms is the only thing I can think of because referees do call the players out at a certain time so if nobody has ever thought to make that a couple of minutes earlier to accommodate the long walk then we will always arrive on the pitch later and kick off later.
Monk Bretton. I reckon there’s bigger grounds with further to walk. Boro is a right maze.. It’s the refs job to get everybody out on time. So we should just add that to list of incompetence..
I kind of hope it doesn’t change otherwise I’d miss the start half of the time. I’ll be there earlier now with my dad but when I was going on my own there was no point getting there before kick off. I could time it so Timerider was playing just as I reached my seat.
Inferior but ah well. My dad doesn’t bring sweets or blankets either. He does bring 7-0 score lines though!