Well the southern based government have decided that a 3rd runway will benefit the whole country. What planet do these people live on.
Don't worry . It ll spread out nationwide , just like hs2 will . Just got to sort London first ......
I’d say one. If Leeds and Manchester were important the transport links wouldn’t be archaic. London is the root cause of our complete lack of productivity and economic differentiation. A vortex of resources and anything north of London may as well be Beirut to the Bullingdon club.
Well it won’t benefit anyone in West London or it’s bordering areas. Absolutely mental building an extra runway in one of the most densely populated, congested and polluted parts of the country.
You should try living in London with the incessant air traffic, I live something like 25-30 miles from Heathrow, but depending on the wind direction, 75% of the time, I'm right at the start of the descent path. I don't complain about it because I do a lot of travelling myself, so such is life. But of all the options and seeing what other countries are doing with new airports, they are building close to the sea to minimise disruption.
Lovely title. What does it mean? What has it achieved? Why is it atrocious travelling between the two?
Apparently the whole area around Heathrow is a "hub" , or so said the transport minister I heard via radio5 live on the commute home from work . Of course he did nt go into specific s .
The reason for a 3rd runway is to create a Hub airport with connecting flights to other countries , how does that benefit us
Only taken twenty years to reach this decision. Probably be defeated by numerous Tory dissentors when it comes to a vote. Today's announcement was a ploy to simply try to deflect criticism away from the Northern Rail issue. Being sold as a boost the International trade post Brexit. On the subject of the latter, I've been reading today, that arch Brexiteer Nigel Lawson is intending to go and live in France. What a hypocrite.!!!
So despite hearing about it for 2+ years there’s the square root of jack. Northern powerhouse is just jingoism.
In all fairness the Northern rail isnt particularly discrimination against Northerners. Have you tried using Southern or Thameslink recently the whole thing is a total shambles. To pick up on Brexit - giving this lot control seems brilliant - I mean look at the German or French railways for example
He already does. He's applying to become a French citizen.....like Mr Farages family all having German citizenship
Dont ever forget the people of the north voted to support the right wing of the tort party Thames valley won dearne valley lost
As opposed to flying and staying in the country , it will be like Schipol at Amsterdam most people who use the airport fly in to connect to another country
Six and a half years on I am bumping the thread Do people still have the same views? I can't believe Reeves has just backed a third runway. We are trying to be green, but making it easier to have more flights polluting the atmosphere. It's also making it even easier to holiday abroad, which is going to affect UK seaside resorts that are already struggling.