WTF . The scenes are pathetic. Herd immunity does not mean acting like idiots. I was coming round to the idea, but still with it being managed. Not now after those scenes. Why do we not inject these idiots with the virus ( pretty sure they’ll volunteer) . Then put em under house arrest for a month.(quarantine for if they ignore ) Not hospitals as they need to be available for those in need. Sure they would agree as they seem hell bent on getting it.
Evidence of why another national lockdown won’t work. People won’t listen. Whilst it’s clear we’re along way off complete herd immunity, hopefully we’re at least edging towards a degree of herd immunity amongst the population that flaunt the rules, and therefore scenes like this don’t lead to a huge increase in community transmission.
Not even edging towards it mate. There is clear evidence that any immunity gained from having the virus is short lived - several cases of repeat infection being seen and the difficulty of producing a reliable antibody test. The only way to get herd immunity is via a properly tested and cheap (which it won't be if the big pharmaceutical companies have their way) vaccine.
Edited to reflect what I mean. What do you suggest. ? Those same idiots are not worried about passing it on. Seeing it made me angry. How about you.
I was told my antibody test coming back negative was because I didn't have the virus. However, my antibody test with done six weeks after I returned to work. Would that have made a difference?
Whoever told you that was incorrect. All an antibody test tells you is whether you have antibodies or not.
It was our lass lol. When I received my letter she said, "told you you didn't have it you lazy ******* nah nah nah nah "
When the government's science geezer did his press conference a week or two back, he said that only around 8% of the population had so far had the virus. Now, ok, that was an estimate and it could be out by some margin, but even if the actual number was two or three times higher, it's still well short of the level needed for herd immunity (60% from memory?).
They want to get it. Are not worried about it. Offer it em. With guidelines. If and when they get it. They’ll have to quarantine. ( do you trust em I don’t) . Wouldn’t happen btw. Read it in context not in reality. what is your suggestion. Another option bring in the army. Cos the police can’t enforce the restrictions. Not something I would like to see. But might have to happen.
We don't know yet how many people develop antibodies from having covid so whilst its more likely you haven't had it (based on what we know about other viruses) they can't say for sure that's the case
Cheers I was hell bent on blaming students for the rise in the curve. However, I had a chicken and egg moment. What gave the students the virus?